Band Acronyms
BBR – Basha Bear Regiment, the name the marching band goes by
FTB – Feed the Bears, our booster program that provides food for the students on game days & at competitions
AZMBA – Arizona Marching Band Association, one of the two marching band circuits we compete in
ABODA – Arizona Band and Orchestra Directors Association, one of the two marching band circuits we perform in. ABODA
also runs the concert & jazz season festivals.
BIPE – Basha Indoor Percussion Ensemble, the name of our winter indoor percussion group
WGAZ – Winter Guard Arizona, the local circuit for our indoor winter season of guard, percussion & winds
WGI – Winter Guard International, the national group for our indoor winter groups
Slack – This is the primary communication app for your phone used by the directors & boosters to send you announcements and updates. You need to sign up for this with the directors if you haven’t already.
FTB – Feed the Bears, our booster program that provides food for the students on game days & at competitions
AZMBA – Arizona Marching Band Association, one of the two marching band circuits we compete in
ABODA – Arizona Band and Orchestra Directors Association, one of the two marching band circuits we perform in. ABODA
also runs the concert & jazz season festivals.
BIPE – Basha Indoor Percussion Ensemble, the name of our winter indoor percussion group
WGAZ – Winter Guard Arizona, the local circuit for our indoor winter season of guard, percussion & winds
WGI – Winter Guard International, the national group for our indoor winter groups
Slack – This is the primary communication app for your phone used by the directors & boosters to send you announcements and updates. You need to sign up for this with the directors if you haven’t already.
1. The Basha Band Program
What are the different band options in the Basha program? Please look at the Ensembles Link Here to read about all the different band groups.
Do I have to audition for groups? Will I be cut? The Basha Bear Regiment has no formal audition to be included in the program, and all students are welcome to participate! For percussion and color guard, students will be considered for certain spots or roles in the ensemble during the summer. There are formal auditions for our top Jazz & Concert programs usually held in April of the prior year.
How can I keep up to date about Basha band activities? Link our Google Calendar to your phone and make sure you are signed up to get notifications via the Slack app. Another option is follow us on social media.
What is Slack? How do I sign up? This is our primary form of communication to parents. It is an app for your phone used by the directors & boosters to send you announcements and updates. Directions to sign up here.
How do I pay band fees? Band fees are paid to the bookstore or via the online parent portal after they are posted in July.
How do the students earn a letter in band? There is a process for getting a Varsity letter in band, and more information will be available to students at a later date.
How do I get involved? Come to booster meetings, volunteer your time at our events, cheer on the band at games, competitions, and concerts.
2. Band Boosters
Who is a Band Booster? By having a student in the Basha Band program you are a booster.
Is there a cost to be a Band Booster? No, we do not charge a fee to be a Band Booster.
What do Band Boosters do? The Basha Band boosters do many things. We feed the students before games & competitions, build props, move equipment & props, provide water at games & competitions, and just generally help out the directors where needed.
What is the best way to meet other band parents? Come to booster meetings, volunteer at events/shows, help on a committee and sit with other parents at games & competitions.
How can I be on a committee? Contact our Booster President and let them know you want to help out more or check Charms & Slack for opportunities.
How often to the boosters meet? How long is the meeting? We meet once a month (generally a Monday)and try to keep the meetings to an hour long or less.
How can I find out what happened at a meeting that I missed? Minutes of the meeting will be posted in Slack usually a few days after the meeting.
Where can I get some cool Basha Band gear to wear? Visit our Swag Store and buy something to show your support.
How many fundraisers are there? It will depend on the year and what we are trying to raise funds for, but generally there will be a big fall fundraiser, several restaurant nights through the year, and possibly a big one in the spring. Also we may host in the Fall & Spring a home show.
What other ways does the band raise funds? We are happy to accept any donation in any amount via our donate link to offset any costs the boosters provide for the band.
Who do I follow on social media? Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, also ask to join our private booster Facebook group.
How can I share my photos & videos of the Basha Band? E-mail any photos & videos to our webmaster we love to see all those smiling faces.
How else can I help the band? Volunteer your time at any of our band events, join a committee, or if you wish to make a monetary donation or purchase you can do so on our wish list link.
What is Feed the Bears? Feed the Bears is our booster committee that provides meals for the students before games & competitions.
How do I report a food allergy or dietary restriction to FTB? Please contact our FTB Chair via e-mail.
3. Marching Band
Do all students participate in Marching Band? Not all students participate in marching band. There are concert bands and jazz bands during the school day. Students ARE NOT allowed to only do marching band, and must be in one of the other band classes during the day.
Should I try out high school first then join Marching Band my sophomore year? No! You only get four years! You don’t want to miss being a part of the Basha Bear Regiment. What could be better than starting high school with 100 friends on the first day? And you’ll always have a lunch buddy.
Is there a cost to do Marching Band? Yes, you can find the current breakdown here.
Is there any additional cost besides the fees? Yes, depending on what section your student is in.
What time does practice end and what time do I need to pick up my student? Practice on Tuesday and Thursday nights will end at 9 pm, while Monday sectionals will end at 4:30. We recommend being there to pick up your student shortly before rehearsals end, and we will ensure that students communicate with you should there be any scheduling changes.
What paperwork does my student need for Marching Band? If your student is planning on renting an instrument, that form can also be found here.
Does Marching Band count for credit? What about PE credit? Yes it does. Taking three semesters of marching band will satisfy one credit of PE, waiving the graduation requirement.
What is the time commitment for Marching Band? Marching band is a time commitment for students, requiring their attendance at July band camp, weekly rehearsals on Monday afternoons and Tuesday and Thursday evenings, football games on Fridays, and field show competitions on Saturdays in October and November. We ask around the same of our students that elite sports programs would, and know that your student will consider their time well-spent as they march, play, and support their teams with their friends!
Does Marching Band prevent students from participating in other school activities? No! It is so important for students to be as well-rounded as possible during their time at Basha, and we encourage members of the band programs to get as involved in their school as possible. If students see any conflicts coming up with another school event, they should communicate this with Mr. Denny or Ms. Travis as soon as possible so they can try and find a compromise.
Do I need to provide my own instrument for Marching Band? No! The BBR has instruments for students to check out at a cost of $40 for the year. This includes larger instruments, such as tuba, baritone, French horn, tenor and bari saxophones, and bass clarinets, but can include smaller instruments depending on student need.
What else do I need to buy and where can I find it? (shoes, gloves, water jug etc.) We have a list of items here. For all band members, except guard, you will need to purchase DSI Viper Marching Band Shoes in black (guard please check with your instructor), gloves (we recommend 2 pairs) for woodwinds and for brass, a Basha Band Water Jug, a drill book (also called a dot book) and a binder with sheet protectors.
What is a Chop Shop? When are Chop Shops? Chop shops are mandatory over the Summer if you are in town. It is group sectionals & rehearsals to get prepared for the season. Dates & Times can be found on the Band Calendar.
What is Band Camp? When is Band Camp? Band Camp is mandatory for all students. It is the week before school starts. It prepares the students for the season and is the start of the season for learning the show drill and music. All dates & times can be found on the Band Calendar.
What does my student wear to rehearsal / band camp / chop shops? Students should wear comfortable, athletic clothing, and closed-toed shoes (preferably running or athletic shoes). If you wouldn’t be comfortable jogging around the neighborhood in it, it probably isn’t great for marching band! Color guard should consult their staff for more specific requirements.
What else should my student bring to rehearsal / band camp / chop shops? Survival items for being outdoor in the Arizona sun: WATER (in a LARGE REFILLABLE jug!!!), sunscreen, a hat, and sunglasses. Students will be fed dinner at each band camp day, but will need a sack lunch for the middle of the day. Wind players will need their instruments and necessary instrument accessories (valve/slide oil, reeds, etc). Percussionists and color guard members should consult their staff for any additional items they need to bring.
Also, your most important thing to bring: a positive attitude! Marching band is tough, but your student is tougher!
Can a student participate in athletics and Marching Band? Plenty of students make both marching band and athletics work and both are very important activities that can make a student’s high school experience special. Mr. Denny and Ms. Travis are happy to speak with coaches about sharing your student’s time and will try our best to make it work.
Can any Basha student be in Marching Band? Absolutely! All are welcome in the Basha Bear Regiment. Please feel free to reach out to the directors if you have individual questions about your own student.
Can my student miss a practice / football game / exhibition / competition? Please consult Mr. Denny or Ms. Travis as soon as possible if there are any reasons your student needs to miss a band event. Emergencies happen, and we will try our hardest to accommodate that, but please give us a heads up as soon as you can!
Is there an Honors track in the Band Program? There is no Honors track in the program, but students can work to earn the CUSD Arts Seal. Students that are interested should speak with Mr. Denny or Ms. Travis once the school year begins.
Do parents need to pay to get into the football game? Yes, each school is a bit different but cost is generally $6-$8. For all CUSD and Basha Home games you can purchase tickets via the GoFan app. Look for a Slack message for the link to start the year. Many schools have a clear bag policy for football games as well.
Do parents need to pay to get into exhibitions / competitions? Yes, the cost is between $10-$15 for most competitions except championships which can be as much as $25. These prices are set by the show hosts and organizations running the events.
Where do I sit at football games? For all home games we sit on the home (press box/West) side. For away games we sit in the away section. Look for other band parents in their Basha Band gear and sit with them. For home games we perform at halftime for away games we perform pregame.
Where do I sit at exhibitions / competitions? Look for other band parents in their Basha Band gear. We try to sit in a group so the kids can really hear us cheer them on.
Where and When do I pick up my student after a football game / competition? Students will most often be excused from the band room after everything is put away after a football game or competition. Any changes or unusual dismissal circumstances will be communicated clearly to parents and students ahead of the event. A typical schedule will be posted on the band calendar as well.
4. Concert / Jazz Program
When are auditions? Auditions for concert and jazz ensembles will be held in the summer prior to the academic year. For more information about the audition process, feel free to reach out to Mr. Denny or Ms. Travis with questions.
What is the etiquette for band concerts? Please silence your phones. Parents and guests are encouraged to clap and cheer for students when appropriate. We know band concerts can be long, but we encourage audience members to stay for the entire performance out of respect for all of our performers.
What does my student need to wear for concerts? Concert dress will be discussed per each performing group well in advance of concert date. If a student is unable to provide the appropriate clothing for concerts, directors must be notified in advance so other clothing arrangements can be made. Performing ensembles follow these general guidelines:
Black slacks/knee length skirt, shirt/tie, OR knee length black dresses, black socks, black closed-toed shoes
Notes for all groups: NO jeans, NO T-shirts, NO sneakers, NO shorts. Students must remain in required dress for the entire concert.
Do the concert / jazz programs travel? The concert and jazz programs will travel for festival performances in the Spring, as well as any extra performances that may come up in the community. All of these events will be posted on the Basha Bands calendar.
Are Performing Ensemble Concerts Free? All home Basha Concerts are free unless it is specified in advance it is a special fundraiser event.
5. Winter Programs (BIPE / Guard / Winds)
When are auditions? Winter program auditions will be held in late November. More information will be provided to students as the year progresses.
Is there a cost to be in a winter group? Yes, this amount will be determined based on if there is any out of state travel. A formal parent meeting will happen to discuss the cost after auditions.
Do parents need to pay to get into competitions? Yes, the cost ranges from $8-$15 for a normal competition and up to $25 for championships. These prices are set by the show hosts and organizations running the events.
6. Fundraising
Does all money earned thru fundraising go into the general Band Booster account? Generally yes. If there is student involvement in selling an item then the funds are split between the boosters and the band program, the split is determined by the involvement. If it is only run by students then all monies go to the band program. Typically anything run or put on by the boosters goes to the booster funds.
Does the money earned thru fundraising benefit all band students / bands? Yes, all monies raised go to benefit the band program as a whole.
How are fundraising activities selected? Most fundraisers are selected by the booster board & fundraising committee. Some of the considerations are: level of difficulty, cost, volunteer involvement needed, community involvement, social interaction, level of enjoyment, & variety.
Why do we fundraise? Fundraising is necessary for the band to keep the band fees low, help to repair and replace equipment/uniforms, pay for additional band staff, pay for additional transportation expenses, repairs & upkeep of our trailer & semi, cover the “wish list” items needed for the band program, provide funds for unexpected expenses, paying for our Feed the Bears program, and to allow for growth in the band.
What is the “Director’s Wish List”? Where can I find it? The list can be found here it is a list of needs/wants for the band program put together by the directors.
How can I donate to the band? You can send in a check payable to Basha Band Boosters or you can make a donation with a credit card on our site here.
Where can I find information to sponsor the band? We offer many levels of sponsorship for the band. If you have more questions please reach out to our current booster president.
7. Random Other Stuff
How do I reach the directors? E-Mail is the best way. Mr. Denny or Ms. Travis
What is the Band BBQ? This is our end of band camp celebration. We get a peek at what the students have done during band camp and have a BBQ to enjoy. We do it pot luck style and ask parents to bring a dish to share. More information will come via Slack
What is Chili Night? This is our end of the marching season event. The BBR does a run through of their show for the parents and families and then we have a chili. We ask for parents to contribute chili or toppings for this event like a pot luck.
What is senior night? Senior banners? Senior night is typically the last football game of the season where the school honors all senior members of band / football / cheer & pom on the field with their parents. Senior Banners are an optional cost to senior families to purchase a banner of their senior band student to be hung on the fence at the home football games. The cost will vary by year & senior class size.
Is there an end of year Banquet? Yes, senior students are free and we do charge a nominal fee for other attendees to cover the cost of food and the event space.
My question is not covered in this list. What do I do? Contact one of the booster officers or one of the directors.